FSR Logo Image
Felix Sanders Reeve

Jonathan Ford

Online portfolio built using WordPress with custom HTML and CSS code. The projects take center stage with this custom-tailored user experience.

Jonathan Ford Screenshot

Project Overview

The Jonathan Ford project exemplifies a collaborative effort aimed at bringing an eclectic creative portfolio to life through a cohesive and visually striking digital experience. In close alignment with Jonathan Ford's multifaceted artistic identity, I meticulously crafted a website that authentically mirrors his diverse pursuits, spanning art, film, photography, and garden design. At the heart of this project is a focus on creating a seamless and engaging platform that weaves together these creative disciplines, offering visitors an immersive journey through Jonathan's work.

Throughout this project, the goal has been to deliver a website that truly reflects Jonathan Ford's unique artistic vision, providing an inviting space for audiences to explore his inspiring projects and creative passions.

Tools Used
